Wednesday, June 20, 2007

kissing teens

My office at work is on the ground level. There's a large and open window well sort of in front of my windows that faces the street. Out of the corner of my eye is a bus stop, a little roofed structure, for the Park City bus. Recently there were 2 teenagers sitting behind the bus stop, on the grass, smoking cigarettes, dressed in all black, kissing, laying on the grass together, rolling on top of each other. Four of us watched from the office window, some just entertained, one guy, commenting on how upset their parents would be if they knew. But me, I thought the whole thing was sweet.

There are so many different ways of looking at love. The HB and I went to see the movie Paris Je T’aime on Monday. While we were sitting in the parking lot, windows down, eating our dinner, a patron of the nearby outdoor pub walked over to a car parked a couple over from us and proceeded to urinate on it. He returned to the pub and two more people, a male and a female walked over to the same car and urinated on it. It was strange because I wasn’t disgusted, I just thought it was strange and wondered why they were doing it. The movie was refreshing, I especially loved the segment by Alfonso Cuaron. Afterwards it seemed natural that those people would urinate on that car like they did—not because it’s acceptable—but because the world is full of surprises, it’s full of people doing things they wouldn’t normally do, it’s full of people falling in love with the wrong person, or making an unlikely match. And that makes me happy.


Anonymous said...

i love it! I always think that B-rock and I are an unlikely match and I love it! Sometimes it bothers him though because we're into different things! I love it.

Tyler Root said...

I love your new picture. That's my sexy wife.