Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Saturn hair

During my Saturn return, I've had numerous crises regarding the state of my life. The only real way of dealing with them has been to change my hair color. Call me materialistic, but changing my hair seems to be the only thing I have control over at this point in my life. So after the last few times feeling unsatisfied by merely changing the "streak" in my hair, I decided to go for an overhaul. It's not that I didn't like my hair, just needed something new.

The HB had never seen me as a blonde and after commenting that he really like this photo of me in Japan, I decided that I'd go for it. As every woman whose every tried to go from dark to light can testify, it's a crap-shoot. I think I stuck it out pretty well, but it turns out I didn't like it much, and at first I couldn't tell if I didn't like the color or if I just didn't like the stage of growing it out and growing my bangs out as well. I felt like the wife in Hemingway's "Garden of Eden" who keeps lightening her hair because she's at the beach all the time and liked how it looked almost translucent when wet--I really only liked mine wet because dry looked fried.

So last night I went back to black, and am happy to be that way. It suits me better now and I didn't have to adjust to like it, I just liked it right away. Pictures are pending due to the lack of an internet connection at our new home.

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