Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Knee Pain explained

Occasionally I get knee pain. I usually just figure it's because I did the stairstepper the day before at the gym, or maybe lots of squats that day or whatever. Sometimes I can't really explain why for a few days my knees will really bother me and then suddenly they don't.

Women's Health magazine ran an article last month that really made sense to me and I'm sure it's true in my case. It said that while a woman is ovulating, higher estrogen levels cause a decrease in collagen in the ligament, making the ACL looser.

For me, this information was wonderful to have--one of my greatest fears is a knee injury. Now I know when to be a little more careful and can also understand why my knee bothers me more at some times. Hurray again for Women's Health, I love that magazine!

1 comment:

Megan Licious said...

alene, i've always had knee pain at weird times, for no reason, too. my brothers get it, though they are heavily involved in sports and are still growing, but i still wrote it off as familial. this was so interesting, and definately explains so much. thanks for sharing!