Thursday, November 06, 2008

I Drink Your Milkshake

Tyler and I love all movies done by PT Anderson, especially last year's "There Will Be Blood." Well a parody was done of a scene from the movie where Day-Lewis' character is talking about how his drill gets oil from land that isn't even his. I've embedded the video, which is hilarious. (If you're using an RSS feed, you'll have to visit the actual blog to see the video)

I was reminded of it tonight when we were sitting eating some pizza watching the game and I said out loud that I wanted a milkshake. Tyler went into the kitchen and came back with a milkshake he had bought for me and one for him and one for Caiden too. He had picked them up when he got the pizza, before I had even mentioned wanting a milkshake. He must have seriously read my mind.

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