Friday, December 14, 2007

Juno post 2

Last night the HB and I were able to see the movie Juno. I've been waiting months to see this movie, ever since I heard about it. Unfortunately, I think the story of girls that give up their babies for adoption has gone untold for the most part. And yet every personal account I've ever read, be it modern stories or from a book about women that did so in the 1950's, every girl said it was the pivotal point of her entire life.

Watching it made me really sad in some ways, but I totally loved it as well. And it was crazy to realize how young we all were when those decision had to be made.

Because it was an advanced screening we all got free t-shirts named after the running group in the movie, the "Dancing Elk Condors."

The weird thing was that last night I dreamt about my baby boy. He's 9 years old now and in my dream I was watching him play baseball. And he was sooo beautiful.

Go see it.


The Dunn Family said...

I've been waiting to see JUNO!!! It looks really good. Mom and I are Really Proud of you Alene!!

Mom & Dad Root said...

I can't wait to see this movie. I believe we are all given challenges and experiences to gain knowledge and then we must pass that knowledge on to help others on their way. Dad and I love you, and feel very blessed you you made the decision to be a part of our family. We wouldn't be complete without you. You and Ty were made for each other. We can't wait for August!!!!

Jeffrey Root said...

I had no idea about this movie. I know that Mandi would love to see this. within the last 2 months she came in contact with her birth mother after 21 years.

Anonymous said...

That was a wonderful thing you did, I'm sure he is beautiful. :)