At the bowl game we had incredible seats. We were on the 3rd row in the corner behind BYU's end zone. When it was clear they would win, 8 seconds left in the game, we all jumped down and stormed the field. After the game Tyler and I and his brothers and sister Billy, Alana, and Bobby all went to some Mexican restaurant that was mostly empty, right across the street from ESPN zone on the strip. We were so excited about the game that we had to order a celebration drink and unfortunately, may have gotten Billy drunk.*

Tyler and I went to the fashion show mall the next day. It really didn't feel so much like Christmas in Vegas, maybe I'm too used to cold-weather Christmases, but these "ornaments" hanging in the mall looked incredible. Later we went to see a comedy show at the Riviera. Out of 3 performers, I loved Doug Benson's "marijuanalogues." He was hilarious.
It was a fun trip, but it was a huge relief to finally get home when we did. The last few weeks have seemed even busier than normal and so I hope to just relax this week.
*I wasn't quite naked and Billy didn't really get drunk, but can't those details stay in Vegas, so I can make up what happened there?
I can picture you naked there, because I've seen you naked, so it's easy for me :-).
And, Billy seems drunk all the time anyway, so that wasn't too hard either :-).
I love you baby. Despite how tired we were, I had a great time there with you.
no drinking in vegas... you should of just stayed in st. george
dude, it's a so true that you do feel a little more inclined to do crazy things in vegas. i went there once with my cousin daniel and my aunt paula and we got into a club and danced on the bar. we were under age and paula was way over age, but man was it some good times.
i meant i went to vegas with my cousin "danielle" not "daniel." she's a girl.
I think it's awesome that you did that. Sometimes I feel so stifled and wish I could just let myself go and express myself in every way. It would be so refreshing. It's hard when you feel like the bad times are really really bad and the good times are only ok, but you want them to be truly rejuvenating.
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