Monday, March 17, 2008

Dear Daughter

Dear Daughter,

Today I found out I was having a girl. Your dad and big brother came with me to find out if you were a boy or a girl. We had to wait for 1 hour and 15 minutes in the office and I was worried that Caiden was getting really bored. But he brought a piece of notepaper and I gave him a pen and he wrote down the possibilities: boy, girl, child, child+

Then we went in the room and the nurse started showing you to us on the big screen. Caiden wrote down what she said. Then when she told us you were a girl my eyes teared up and I was so excited. I had a lot of anxiety about having a girl because of my own relationship with my mother and because my mom told me that a girl would steal Tyler's heart away from me, but I always joked that the reason I was nervous about it was because no girl could be cuter than my brother's little girls. But all of the anxiety went away when she told me you were a girl. And then I was proud when she said you were stubborn and feisty--just like me! Every time she tried to get a shot of your feet you would move them out of the way.

We got to see all of the parts of your body--your face, your heart, each hand and foot. And then when the nurse was finished she gave us some pictures and a DVD. Your brother asked me what else he should write down so I told him to write who we needed to call.

I gave the pictures and DVD to your dad because he was going home and I had to go back to work and I didn't want the pictures to get crinkled or anything. Right after he left I sent him a text message on his phone because I was so jealous that he had the pictures with him. I told him not to look at them too much. And when I was back at work I imagined him looking at them over and over like I wanted to right then. But he told me he was playing catch with Caiden in the backyard and I was jealous then of that too.

I called your aunt April right away because she's my best friend in the whole world and she was so excited. And your dad sent a message to his whole family he was so excited!

I can't wait to meet you.


The Dunn Family said...

I cant wait to meet you toooo!!!!!!!!

P.S. That was so cute. i started to cry. Im so happy!! Finally more girls in the family.

Anonymous said...

yay! this made me so happy. i started to cry, too, which will probably come as no surprise to you since you know how easily that happens. congratulations.

Jeffrey Root said...

It is possible to have more girls in the Root family. Yay!!!

Mom & Dad Root said...

Dad and I are so excited, finally a little girl, again!! That was so great that Caiden was there. Oh yea, and no one is going to steal Ty's heart away from you, all though children always come in a close second! I think I told everyone yesterday after I heard the good news, even people that didn't know you guys. We love you, and want you to know, you are a big part of our family. See you soon!

ratbag said...

Congrats to you all.

dan richards said...

so exciting. congrats you guys. i must say however, a little girl knows how to wrap daddy around her finger....(but it's usually in conjunction with mom) :)

Grigors World said...

Congrats!! That's awesome. That has to be the clearest Sonographic picture I have ever seen. Have you picked out names yet?

hunsaker family said...

I'm so excited for you guys. I'm glad our baby will have a cousin around the same age! BTW, what books are you reading? I've got a good one for you......

Kristin Lynne said...

Sweet! Our daughters will be so close in age! This is so exciting for both of us and I am thrilled for you guys. And on the subject of heart stealing, I've actually heard that a lot of dad's initially resent their kids because they take their wive's away from them . . . John said he didn't want to be like that, but I hear it's normal . . . maybe it all just depends?