Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Birthday incidents

I got the haircolor taken care of yesterday. Now I have a very defined stripe of red going up my hair from the bottom. It's cool.

Yesterday was April and I's birthday--Happy Birthday April! We went to the Macaroni Grill. Later last night when Tyler and Caiden got home from football and I got home from the hair salon they surprised me with a chocolate cake. They are the shiz.

This weekend we'll go camping for our birthday trip. This is a sort of informal, assumed tradition. We both love camping and go often during the summer, but dont' always do a "birthday camping trip." April and I have a bad history of having accidents or incidents every time we take a trip together. Two years ago on our birthday camping trip we went to the San Rafael Swell. We got my car stuck on a shrub and I spent some time (at least a good hour) laying in the dirt hacking at the shrub with a shovel. I also briefly got lost on that trip. It was awesome though.

Here's us at my parents on Sunday.

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