Friday, September 29, 2006

Diet Coke

I love Diet Coke. I never used to drink soda at all. My parents never drank it growing up and so only on holidays would my mom buy some 2 liters to chill outside on our deck (we lived in Montana, so if the fridge was full, our second fridge was the deck). Since then I kind of became a healthy food freak, so I didn't drink soda until I started my graduate program. Now I'm addicted, I really am and kind of hate that I am, I mean I stress out about it, but then I tell myself--who cares? I like it, so what? I made the HB take me to the Coke museum when we went to Atlanta where his company is based. It was fun to taste the different flavors offered in different countries and look at all of the old advertisements.

I just bought this shirt on e-bay and I keep wearing it because it's so soft!

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