Sunday, January 28, 2007


Last official day today and I got off early. I have tons of stuff to catch up on, sleep being at the top of my list. I do have to work tomorrow night at the "best of fest" screenings in Salt Lake. But it'll be fast and easy.

My team was awesome and it was fun to get to know all the people I did this year. Also, one of my volunteers wrote about us to the volunteer department, it felt good to read this email as forwarded on to me:

Hi --
Not really sure who I'm speaking to, but I'm trying to get in touch with whomever is the supervisor of the theater managers in Salt Lake. I just want to express how great mine were. I worked in Park City last year with a manager who was as pyscho as the stalker she made us escort out. At that point in time, I was pretty sure I would have had more fun pulling my toe-nails out with sharp sticks.
But this year, I worked at the Rose Wagner theater and the managers -- A-----, C------, Alene and A---- (I think that's how each of their names are spelled) were just great. And I want to leave them thank-you cookies, but you know how cookies -- even when labeled -- tend to disappear faster than Winona Ryder from The 10 premiere. So instead I'm trying to go about this with metaphorical cookies, by way of reaching a supervisor. Therefore, if this message could please reach its intended recipeint, I would be very grateful. I had a fun, fantastic festival thus far, and the managers had a heavy hand in that. So thanks to them. Many times over.
Thanks for your time,

J--- B----

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